Monday, December 7, 2009

Be Encouraged!

Being part of a place where people share life shaping experiences with fellow believers is an awesome privilege. To see people relax and focus on relationships with others and their Creator. To see them grow closer to each other and the Lord. This is truly what makes serving at camp worthwhile and incredibly rewarding. All of you who support the camp should share in that rewarding feeling! God moves at camp, people are open to that movement, and true change happens. December and the Christmas rush is upon us, so the next few weeks will see less people at camp, but many have come over the past weeks. Here are a few words from those who had the privilege to meet God at camp:

“God was working in ways to challenge us to first start by building genuine relationships with un-churched people, then in his time he will give us the power and words to speak to share Jesus…the camp facilities are awesome. The space is great for our retreat, being in late Fall it doesn’t matter what the weather is with the gym…” (a leader of a retreat for teens who are themselves peer leaders in their youth groups)

“Just getting men away from their normal environment to seek God is great…the being in the woods feel is great for guys in getting away…I can’t think of anything more that you can do. Thank you for making your facility available to minister to the world.” (a leader of a men’s retreat)

“God showed me through our devotionals that love is something we all need to demonstrate more…the atmosphere at camp is so relaxing and comfortable…” (a leader of a scrapbooking retreat for women)
All of this is certainly enough to encourage ones soul, and God continues to amaze us in his provision as well! A few weeks ago we held our annual fundraising dinner. The roughly 140 people who came out (perhaps you were there) celebrated all that God has done over the past year through Camp Mantowagan (nearly 100 kids and teens accepted the truth of Christ!) and laughed together over hilarious antics that have been captured on film over the last several years. Campers…turned counselors…turned full time servants of God shared their hearts, and one camper/counselor shared a poem about what camp has meant to him (read it below). God used this event to raise over $27,000 in gifts and pledges for the coming year! We have much to be thankful for, and we continue to praise God for his provision. Praise him with us and remember to pray for all of those who come to God’s camp in the woods!

The Lord does work in mysterious ways
He may take minutes or he may take days
The intricacies of his sovereign plan
are not to be seen by mortal man
It’s to his glory we’re called and for his glory we’re made
A glory that shines and never will fade
So fall into the arms of our sovereign king
Cast off your burdens, be joyous and sing
For the maker of mountains, the filler of the sea
has promised us heaven for eternity
So when you see a glimpse of his work in your life
Know that your journey will not end in strife
His plan for you will soon be made clear
His heavenly reign is drawing near
His ways are a mystery to us it may seem
But there are times when he may deem
That it is fitting, that it is right
To catch a glimpse of his glorious light
We may not see it in miraculous fashion
It may be a smile or a new Christian’s passion
The work of the Lord is a mystery at times
But you can be sure he’s at work in our lives
So thank the Lord for the times when his plan is made clear
For the times in worship when you feel him draw near
Be thankful for those times when he does see fit
To maybe, just maybe, show off a wee bit

by Ryan Salyards - Camper/Counselor

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